• ART S167 01 (30012)
  • Jul 2 – Aug 3, 2018
  • Mon, Wed 1 – 4:30pm
  • Green Hall Room 210


For Mon July 16:

Simple Instructions

Write a simple set of instructions for others to follow. These instructions should result in a drawing. Your instructions should be simple enough that any of us can do them in class. You should bring in whatever materials we might need to execute your program. Design your instructions, typeset them, and print them out on an 8.5x11” sheet of paper. We will all complete each others' instructions in class on Monday.



Please read through the following:

Links to each of these three texts can be found in our site's library.

By Sunday at 6pm, create a page titled "reading-response-b.html" and link to it from your home page. Inside reading-response-b.html, include at least two questions you'd like to discuss in class on Monday. Feel free to style this page as much or as little as you would like.