• ART S167 01 (30012)
  • Jul 2 – Aug 3, 2018
  • Mon, Wed 1 – 4:30pm
  • Green Hall Room 210


For Wed July 18:

Simple Instructions

Update your page for simple instructions with the documentation produced from your completed instructions.

Information Overlay Part 1: Gathering

Go outside (out into the world) or online (deep into the internet) and look around. Find at least 3 examples of stacked information—a new layer of information added onto an existing surface. These could be artificial, digital, temporary, analog, or otherwise. It could be from a movie, a friend, a store, a library, anywhere. Find a way to document your overlays. Redraw them, take photos, screenshots, text only, etc.

To think about:
What is this overlay doing? What information does it give you? What information does it hide? What does it look like? Who designed it? Why do you (dis)like it? Where did it come from? Does it block information, frame information, add a new message? How do you think it got here?

Create a presentation documenting your findings. This should be thorough. It should include text and images and allow you to be prepared to talk about these overlays. You can prepare it as scans, a PDF, a PowerPoint, a website. Link to it from your class homepage. Pay attention to its form and typography.