• ART S167 01 (30012)
  • Jul 2 – Aug 3, 2018
  • Mon, Wed 1 – 4:30pm
  • Green Hall Room 210


For Mon July 23:

Information Overlay Parts 2 and 3

You should begin planning out parts two and three (simultaneously) for the information overlay assignment. We'll check in on Wednesday for this to see how you're progressing. We'll be reviewing sketches, in whatever format you feel comfortable sketching with, for parts 2 and 3 in small groups this Wednesday.

Part 2 (Typifying) requires making a "collection" of the alternate worlds of your chosen overlay. This audit or collection will be a thorough and rich web page. It should be designed with your overlay in mind. It may be helpful to think of this part as a sort of
"about" page for Part 3.

Part 3 (Translation) will have you producing both a bookmarklet and a page to host it. Sketch through what it does, what it might be called, and what it should do to other webpages.

Class Site

Spend a bit of time updating your class site. Go through past assignments, make sure links are working and everything is up and online. Start adding some CSS or JS as well.


For Monday, please read through the following:

Links to these texts can be found in our site's library.